Tag Archives: boy


There are special people all around us who in their small way make our lives lighter, brighter and instantly happier with their smile, genuine concern and all around niceness. Des is one of these people in my life. Having lived a big city life, I found it terribly difficult adjusting to a small town. I am happy...

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There is so much truth in the saying that ‘people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime … ‘ Meet Nossi, a vibrant young mother who’s been in our lives for the last 4 and a half years. She’s one of the gentlest and quietest souls I have ever met,...

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My Sun & Stars At the end of a very, very long day there was a little boy trying to make sense of it all. He sat quietly by himself looking out the window and staring into the middle distance … I could only imagine the thoughts going through that powerful little mind as these expressions played across his beautiful...

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