“Seek to be worth knowing rather than be well known.” – SANDRA TURLEY
I have known this dark and twisty mysterious soul since I moved to Grahamstown and fell in love with her coffee … yes … her coffee! Since then I have come to know Caffeiniista and found this quote befitting of her more than most. She’s brilliant, kind, caring, gentle, driven and of course you’d have to be blind not to see how stunning she is, not only on the outside, but on the inside too. I am happy to be able to call her my friend. Since this shoot she’s moved and is now based in Joburg and I really miss her face and her company.
Her brand, Caffeiniista, is an outward expression of who she is from her taste and lifestyle to her style, shopping, products and brand preferences. She is someone to know. She is someone to watch.
While she was staying with me for a little bit, she was inspired by some lovely natural honeycomb she’d bought and late one afternoon she pulled together the concept Milk and Honey shoot in this low light, simple and gorgeously styled set up. Enjoy!
With special love to you Leo XXX