Fun, sun, bubbles, reading, potty training, running, playing, fast friends, Granny and Grampa and the Riet River … Our Summer holidays are in full swing!
There are special people all around us who in their small way make our lives lighter, brighter and instantly happier with their smile, genuine concern and all around niceness. Des is one of these people in my life. Having lived a big city life, I found it terribly difficult adjusting to a small town. I am happy...
Sunny Grahamstown days bring forth loads of randomly strung together activities that make up a ‘day out’ … today we started with a Wimpy breakkie, followed by throwing rocks in Grey Damn, some splashing about in overflowing canals and then a run on the golf course. We encountered baby legions at the dam that heard us...
There are days where you’re so ‘in the zone’ that the last thing you feel like doing is downing tools, chasing down children who would rather hunt snails than change into swimming gear and then dragging them off moaning their heads off to lessons you KNOW they will delight in … But once you’re there watching those happy,...